HedgeDataTM is the result of two decades of industry experience where sourcing of any information on alternative investments becomes simple as never before. This dedicated data and technology platform is used by fund managers, professional investors and service providers to link electronically, using common identifiers and to supply or source latest available data on hedge funds and private equity funds and to manage electronic links and digital communication.
Our platform provides clients with an “ALL IN ONE SOLUTION” ranging from front to back office related data, including direct electronic links between all involved parties and where subscriptions to other fund data sources become obsolete.
Various funds & securities identifiers
180+ data fields incl. fees, liquidity, wire details
Specific share class data
Fund managers and service providers
Fund prospectus
Audited financial statements
Investor related account statements
Fact Sheets
Sourced from fund managers and administrator
Daily updates
Estimates and finals
Full track record
AUM for firm, fund or strategy
For further information please contact: info@hedgepole.com
The HPIDTM is a unique identifier automatically generated and assigned in HedgeData to each newly created or existing security including individual fund, share class, series, side pocket, equalization factor or capital account. The structure of the HPIDTM consists of a 13 digit unique alphanumeric randomly generated code with no data dependencies.
HPIDTM is available to all the industry participants FREE OF CHARGE and can be used without any restrictions as the unique reference number for each security. This underlines HedgePole's commitment to support process automation and standardization in the alternative investment industry.